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Our History

CBB is getting closer and closer to its 100th year!

It has been the home for generations of campers and staff since it was founded in 1935.

The original site of the camp was just outside Fitzroy Harbour, Ontario, before moving to Dunrobin, Ontario a couple years after its inception. Finally, in 1946, CBB found its permanent home in the beautifully forested land along the scenic shores of the Ottawa River. It’s near the town of Quyon, Quebec, just 50 km from Ottawa.

The richness of CBB’s history is evident throughout the camp. Campers and staff alike have taken great pleasure in writing their names along the walls and structural beams of cabins, the rec hall, and other buildings, and this tradition remains today! The legacy of CBBers past and present will live on through these signatures and the memories that go along with them.


Founded in 1935, Camp B’nai Brith of Ottawa provides children ages 7-16 an incomparable Jewish camping experience. Campers, independent of their family’s financial ability or level of Jewish observance, experience the outdoors, learn new skills and develop life-long friendships while enhancing Jewish affiliation, values, traditions, and community, in a safe and nurturing environment.


Camp B’nai Brith of Ottawa is committed to be the Jewish overnight camp of choice for Ontario and Quebec children. Here are our stated objectives/values:

  1. CBB of Ottawa is dedicated to offering programming that provides a wide range of classic and innovative summer camp experiences. Using state of the art equipment, our programming blends opportunities for personal choices and individual achievement and growth with memorable group experiences.
  2. CBB of Ottawa’s programming creates and enhances a sense of connection to Israel and the Jewish community among Jewish youth and develops their capacity for Jewish leadership.
  3. CBB of Ottawa offers programming on a year-round basis to engage current campers and alumni, and to reach out to the Jewish community at large through social and cultural activities to enhance the friendships and ruach (spirit) instilled in our campers and staff. CBB of Ottawa immerses our/its campers in a Jewish communal experience they may not be able to experience elsewhere in their lives.
  4. CBB of Ottawa’s campsite and facilities are maintained and improved in a safe and environmentally sustainable manner while respecting our rustic traditions.  We will improve the ability to provide year-round Jewish community access and rentals.
  5. CBB of Ottawa is dedicated to raising awareness of and expanding financial assistance opportunities for campers so as to provide Jewish camping to those in need.
  6. CBB of Ottawa recognizes the pivotal role played by the organization and its staff and senior leadership in making a positive and memorable contribution to the lives of campers. We maintain a high-caliber program that includes skills and leadership training.