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Terms and Conditions of Registration

I/we hereby agree that:

Section A – Form and Acceptance of Applications

  1. Verbal applications cannot be accepted;
  2. Each application must be completed in full and signed by a parent or guardian in the appropriate places;
  3. Applications must be accompanied by postdated cheques or an approved credit card number with a payment schedule and authorization completed representing the balance of the payments;
  4. Applications are not complete registrations until accepted;
  5. Applications will, in general terms, be accepted on a first come, first served basis. However, Camp B’nai Brith of Ottawa Inc. (after this called “CBB”) reserves in its sole discretion, the right to depart from acceptance on a first come, first served basis in the best interests of CBB;
  6. A deposit of not less than $1,200.00 is required with each application. If an amount greater than the deposit is paid, $1,200.00 of the amount paid will be treated as a deposit;

Section B – Deposits, Fees and Refunds

7. The following will be the conditions associated with refundable amounts:The deposit will be returned in full if the application is not accepted;

a) Once accepted, a $1,200 processing/administration fee is non-refundable upon deposit;

b) All families shall pay not less than forty percent (50%) of registration fees by December 15th;

c) All fees must be paid in full by March 15th, failing which your child will not be permitted to attend camp; and,

d) All fees are non-refundable as of March 15th.

8. In the event that there is a withdrawal of my/our registration after either of the dates in paragraph 7(c) or (d), and prior to the commencement of the first session, I/we agree that the non-refundable amount I/we have paid to CBB in excess of the $1,200 deposit will form a charitable donation to CBB “Send a kid to camp” program for which I/we will receive a tax receipt;

9. Fee reductions will not be available for campers arriving late, leaving early, or missing part of the CBB season;

10. All early bird discounts made available by CBB will be forfeited if payments are not received by CBB on or before the required due dates;

11. Payment is the responsibility of the parent(s) signing the application, and CBB will not deal separately with parents, regardless of marital status;

12. I/we are the custodial parents, and that my/our children may only be released to the parent(s) whose signature appears below unless authorized in writing in advance;

13. Any requests for refunds outside of this policy must be submitted in writing and will not be considered until not earlier than the month of September following the CBB season;

14. I/we will make all payments required in accordance with the rate schedule in effect on the date of registration, and abide by the conditions of enrollment and the refund policy herein;

15. 25% Interest per annum will be charged on unpaid balances after March 15th and that NSF cheques or invalid credit cards numbers are subject to a $100.00 service charge and will require certified funds;

Section C – Medical Forms and Issues and Dietary Requirements

16. I/we agree that the required camper medical form is to be completed in full not later than April 30th, and that we will ensure that any medications, accompanies the camper to CBB on or before opening day.

17. CBB reserves the right to cancel any registration in the event CBB is of the view, in its sole discretion, that information on the camper medical form incomplete or inaccurate or missing information on the form discovered before or after the commencement of camp suggests that it is not in the best interests of the child or CBB for the child to attend CBB. In such case, a full refund will be provided;

18. CBB reserves the right to charge additional fees arising out of any costs to CBB of special food requirements, medical equipment, supervision or any other costs arising out of the information on the camper medical form;

19. I/we agree that if our child indicates a requirement for a gluten-free diet, that CBB reserves the right to require certification in writing from a medical doctor certified to practice that a gluten-free diet is medically necessary because of a pre-existing disease;

20. I/we authorize CBB or its delegates, to proceed with appropriate medical care for my child as required in the event I/we cannot be reached (nor the emergency contact person provided by you on the enclosed form) within a reasonable period of time, including transportation in CBB or private vehicles driven by CBB staff or volunteers. Even if I can be reached, I/we authorize the transportation of my child to required medical or other treatment in CBB or private vehicles driven by CBB staff or volunteers, as required;

21. I/we will pay for the costs of any necessary prescription drugs and/or special medical treatment;

22. I/we hereby agree that CBB’s medical staff are authorized to share complete information on the medical status and health of my child with the senior staff of CBB, my child’s unit supervisor, and counselors;

23. If for any reason my/our child requires medical attention or special medication beyond that furnished by CBB, I/we agree to be responsible for any expenses incurred. In the event of illness requiring my child to be withdrawn from CBB, I understand that a refund will be pro-rated beginning on the eleventh day of continuous absence;

24. No refunds will be offered for continuous medical absence in the event that the cause is a widespread infectious disease affecting significant numbers (as determined by CBB, acting reasonably) of persons inside or outside of CBB. I/We acknowledge that no refund will be processed until the end of CBB season;

25. I/we agree that I/we will abide, with respect to our child, by the vaccination policy published on our website from time to time. I/we further agree that should we not abide by that policy, our child may not attend camp.

Section D- Termination of Registration and Camper Participation

26. CBB reserves the right to terminate the registration of any camper when it is deemed by the Camp Director to be in the best interests of the child or CBB. In such an event, it is understood that an appropriate refund will be issued unless the camper is dismissed for infractions of CBB’s policies in which case, no refund will be issued. Infractions of CBB’s policies include but are not limited to smoking, drugs (including those permitted by law and misuse of over-the-counter or prescription drugs), alcohol, physical abuse, sexual harassment or activity, vandalism, bullying and any other inappropriate behavior as solely determined by CBB’s Camp Director or Board of Directors;

27. Campers may be required to participate in mandatory canoe and/or field trips. Campers that refuse to, for whatever reason, not attend this trip will be returned to their family’s care. In this event, no refund can be given and any transportation expenses incurred will be applied to the family’s account;

28. Campers are required to participate in all scheduled activities save and except for those from which there is a medical exception provided in writing by a qualified physician whom is not a parent. Campers that repeatedly refuse to, for whatever reason, will be returned to their family’s care. In this event, no refund can be given and any transportation expenses incurred will be applied to the family’s account;

Section E – General

29. I/we, on behalf of the himself/herself, any child(ren) attending CBB and his/her/their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns hereby forever waives, releases, discharges and indemnifies and holds harmless (including without limitation, for legal fees and any other defence costs) CBB and its respective directors, officers, members, employees, medical staff, volunteers, officials, participants, agents, sponsors, and representatives (collectively and individually the “Releasees”) and from all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, actions and causes of action whether in law or in equity in respect of death, injury, loss or damage to person or property howsoever caused including, without limitation, claims arising from the performance or failure of the performance of any activities by the Releasees (and also including without limitation the negligence or omissions of the Releasees) arising out of or in any way connected to participation in the sporting, social or other activities at or outside CBB during CBB programming, and the use of the aforementioned facilities or in any other activity in or outside of CBB during CBB programming and by signing below agrees on behalf of the undersigned and the participant to abide by all rules, regulations, financial policies and procedures and standards of conduct;

30. I/we permit, and release and indemnify CBB from any and all claims for losses of articles and damages arising as a result of: the searching of my camper’s belongings and/or mail for items sent or brought to CBB that contravene CBB policy, and the confiscation of and donation of these items;

31. I/we acknowledge that parents/Guardians are strongly discouraged from taking their child out of CBB during CBB session. No camper will be permitted to leave CBB without a written notice prior to 48 hours of requested departure;

32. I/we agree not to hold CBB responsible for breakage or loss/theft of personal effects. I understand that a camper (and his /her parent) will be financially responsible for any damage he/she may have caused to CBB property or any of its belongings;

33. I/we agree to be financially responsible for any acts of vandalism perpetrated by my/our child against the property of CBB or any other person in camp;

34. The resolution of any and all disputes arising from my/our experiences with CBB including but not limited to CBB medical team, CBB’s agents, delegates, volunteers, employees and Directors, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable therein;

35. The Courts of the Province of Ontario shall have exclusive and preferential jurisdiction to entertain any complaint, demand, claim, proceeding, or cause of action whatsoever arising from my experiences with CBB including but not limited to treatment given to me by CBB medical team, their agents, delegates, employees. I hereby agree that if I commence any such legal proceedings, that I will do so only in the Province of Ontario;

36. This Agreement and registration and any extension of such registration shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable therein, regardless of where acceptance of any extension may take place;

37. By accepting this agreement, I/we consent to CBB’s collection and use of personal information about me and my family for the purposes of considering the within application and applying such information as may be necessary or appropriate in preparation for, and during CBB season and thereafter, for correspondence purposes. I/we consent to my child being photographed, videotaped or interviewed and his/her name, image and interview used in CBB publications, websites and media coverage of CBB-related events. I/we agree that CBB may keep such photographs, videos, images and information about us in its records for as long as it is needed for the purposes described above, even if I withdraw this application or my child(ren) do not attend CBB. I/we further acknowledge and agree that if I refuse or withdraw this consent, my child(ren) may not be permitted to attend or remain in CBB; and,

38. I/we hereby certify that all information given is true and agree to all the repercussions. This agreement is drawn up in English through the mutual consent of both parties.