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Special Events

Legendary Traditions

CBB’s special events take the fun over the top! This is when we break away from the regular routine to bring the whole camp together for some extra excitement. Every summer we have:: World Cup soccer, Grey Cup/Pro Bowl/Superbowl football, CBBOlympics, dance shows, camp plays, a new favourite CBB Survivor, and of course… Colour War!

Everyone looks forward to the Camp Play. This is where those dramatic, theatrical souls get to shine the brightest, for all to see!

The same can be said about our Camp Dance Shows. Dance lovers enjoy learning the amazing choreography together, practicing, and picking out coordinated outfits for the big performance!

Everyone knows and loves the pure magic of Colour War. This classic multi-day competition encompasses everything that summer camp is about—creativity, athleticism, ruach/spirit, togetherness, courage, making memories, and of course—FUN!!!

Other special events at CBB include Sign and Song, Canada Day celebrations, All Camp Dances, Israel Day, and many more.