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A Parent’s Perspective


We survey our parents at the end of each camp season to get their feedback. Here’s a small sampling of their comments:

“I love that the camp is small and intimate, and that everybody knows your name. I also feel, like you do an excellent job kickstarting camp from the days prior to leaving and there is no time wasted as soon as they arrive to feel lost. I really enjoy the feeling of one big family. I also enjoy the spiritual aspect you continue to improve and enhance.”
“Strong Jewish Culture and identity. The ability to maintain what is special about the camp from one generation to the next. Helping to make children gain independence and confidence. Excellent programming including water sports, arts, drama. My daughter really enjoyed being with her counsellors. They were excellent.”
“My child came in for the 2 week session, joining kids who had been there several weeks already and many who had already been bunkmates in previous years. There was no hesitation at all in welcoming her in. She tells me there are no cliques at CBB. In two weeks she got to know virtually everyone, campers and staff, has spent hours since returning home pouring over videos telling me who everyone is and what they are like. Absolutely amazing. She has already said she might want to be staff – after her first two weeks! So I think the major strength is the apparent ability to make sure everyone is included, happy and secure. The videos portray one big happy family and my little girl tells me that’s exactly the way it is – it’s not just a video portrayal.”
“CBB had a great feeling of belonging and truly caring about giving your child a love for overnight camp! Thank you!”